eldanalegal@gmail.com | 0812 8282 6040
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is supported by partners and associates with high competency , integrity and capabilities to offer strategic solutions toward every legal issue for clients best interest. We are committed to assist clients in meeting their goals and objectives.


Bankcruptcy, Tax Attorney, Litigation

BANKCRUPTCY-Bankruptcy is a legal process that releases a person from almost all of their debts.| Tax Attorney- Tax attorneys are lawyers who specialize in the complex and technical field of tax law or customs law.| Litigation-Litigation is the process whereby…

Breaking News

Reputable Advocacy with Proven Integrity

ELDANA LAW FIRM provides legal services to a wide rage of communities both national and international especially on criminal  matters, commercial disputes, bankruptcy and taxation. With 20 year of experience across Indonesian judicial court institutions we are competent to assist clients and handle various cases empowered by our unique approach to law in pursue for justice based on regulation, evidence, doctrine and jurisprudence. We are advocating for justice with trust and integrity. As we are registered lawyers in Canadian and US in Indonesia coincided with the rise of cross-border law enforcement today our legal services has been expanding globally.

Kantor hukum kami memberikan layanan hukum (legal services) secara maksimal berdasarkan pengalaman, kompetensi dan pemahaman proses dan sistem hukum di Indonesia khususnya di bidang Litigasi, Kepailitan dan Perpajakan.
Kuasa Hukum Kasdi Subagyono Bantah Eksepsinya Sudah Masuk Pokok Perkara
DETEKSIJAYA.COM – Advokat Dr Efendi Lod Simanjuntak SH, MH, selaku kuasa hukum mantan Sekretaris Jenderal Kementrian Pertanian
Kuasa Hukum Terdakwa Sekjen Kementan RI Kasdi Subagyono, Dr Efendi Lod Simanjuntak SH MH Tegaskan tidak Ada Kliennya Mendapatkan Manfaat Materil
Jakarta, Madina Line.Com – Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat (PN Jakpus)
Persidangan Ungkap Tak Ada Unsur Pidana pada Kasus Alex Wijaya
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Saksi ahli dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) Eva Zulva menyatakan tidak ada unsur pidana
Sidang Perdana Syahrul Yasin Limpo
Terdakwa bekas Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo menunggu sidang dimulai di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor),


Office : Plaza Sentral, 9th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47, Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan, 12930
021 5207705
0812 8282 6040
Efendi Law /Tips hukum
Eldana Law Firm

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